Awards, promotions and appointments

Awards and external appointments

The following FLASS scholars were either appointed to a major position to contribute their experiences and expertise for the benefit of the community, or they have recently won a major external or internal award.

Dr Matsunobu Koji 

Assistant Professor, Department of Cultural and Creative Arts



  • Silver Medal at the International Innovation and Invention Competition (IIIC2021)
Professor Cheng Sheung-Tak

Chair Professor, Department of Health and Physical Education



  • Expertscape World Expert in Caregivers (2021)

  • Stanford University’s list of the world’s top 2% most highly cited scientists (2020)

Professor Keith Ho Wing-kei

Professor, Department of Science and Environmental Studies



  • Highly Cited Researcher by Clarivate Analytics (2021)

  • Stanford University’s list of the world’s top 2% most highly cited scientists (2020)

Dr Gary Chow Chi-ching

Assistant Professor, Department of Health and Physical Education



  • Member, Assessment Working Group (2021/2022), Chief Executive’s Award for Teaching Excellence

  • Member, Assessment Panel on Physical Education Key Learning Area (2021/2022),  Chief Executive’s Award for Teaching Excellence

Promotions and appointments

We also congratulate the following FLASS colleagues who have taken up new roles in teaching, research and administration.


Dr Chan Man-ho
Promoted to Associate Professor, Department of Science and Environmental Studies on 1 July 2021
Dr Leung Chi-fai
Promoted to Associate Professor, Department of Science and Environmental Studies on 1 July 2021
Dr Winnie Lam Wai-man
Promoted to Senior Lecturer II, Department of Mathematics and Information Technology on 1 July 2021

Dr Henry So Chi-fuk

Promoted to Senior Lecturer II, Department of Mathematics and Information Technology on 1 July 2021

Dr Lobo Louie Hung-tak
Senior Lecturer I, Department of Health and Physical Education (HPE)
Appointed as Associate Head of HPE from Nov 2021